

An AI and data platform for Dota2

What is DotaMind?

DotaMind provides comprehensive prediction and analytics for Dota2 league matches.

Products and Applications

DotaMind App

In-game Prediction

Win probability and hero performance scores evaluate game situations.

Pre-game Insights

Role prediction and ban/pick recommendation from the beginning.

Live Streaming

Real-time data feed accompanied by commentary broadcasting.

Comprehensive Data

Omniscient dashboard with a timeline of events, anytime playback supported.

Products and Applications

DotaMind Pro

Customizable Assistant

Private data source and custom interface support for professionals.

Dedicated Service

On-demand stream from Dota2 client, live match or replay.

Contact Us

Do you want to try the latest artificial intelligence? Do you want to enjoy the integrated gaming experience? Or do you want to invest in the future of science and technology? DotaMind welcomes your consultation by email at contact@gamesmind.com all the time!